Exposed Resident: Resident With Exposure to COVID-19 Inside or Outside of the Facility


An exposure is defined as being within 6 feet for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period to the COVID-19-positive person.

  • Actively monitor the resident once per shift.
    • Interview for new symptoms when the resident is able.
    • Measure body temperature and oxygen saturation.
    • Additional observations to consider: Vital signs, lung auscultation
  • Notify a provider if a resident develops symptoms and follow “Resident with Symptoms” above.
  • Asymptomatic residents with close contact with someone with SARS-CoV-2 infection should have a series of three viral tests for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Testing is recommended immediately (but not earlier than 24 hours after the exposure) and, if negative, again 48 hours after the first negative test and, if negative, again 48 hours after the second negative test. This will typically be at day 1 (where day of exposure is day 0), day 3, and day 5. Avoid testing residents who were positive for COVID-19 in the prior 30 days. For residents who were positive for COVID-19 in the prior 3 months use an Antigen test instead of a PCR test. If the facility is notified of the exposure more than 6 days after it occurred, contact your medical director or the regional epidemiologist for instructions regarding the frequency and duration of testing.
  • Implement Masking (Source Control) for 7 days after the last exposure if all test results are negative, or 10 days if testing is not performed.
    • The resident should wear a mask when people enter the resident’s room, if the resident is able to tolerate a mask.
    • The resident should wear a mask, perform hand hygiene, and maintain physical distancing when out of the room and unable to wear a mask, such as when eating.


Quarantine Residents with an exposure who have not had a COVID-19 infection in the last 1 month and who:

  • Are unable to tolerate a mask or maintain physical distancing.
  • Are moderately to severely immunocompromised.


Contact the Infection Prevention Nurse for instructions in ongoing outbreaks as additional quarantine may be required.

For residents who are required to quarantine:

  • Resident to remain in his/her room.
  • Staff should wear a gown, gloves, eye protection (face shield), and N95 respirator.
  • The quarantined resident should be placed in a private room. If limited private rooms are available, or if numerous residents are simultaneously identified as having recent exposure, the resident should remain in their current location.
  • Resident should wear a medical mask when staff enters the room, unless the resident is unable to tolerate the mask. The resident should also wear a mask, perform hand hygiene, and maintain physical distancing when out of the room and when out of the building.
  • Continue precautions for at least seven (7) days after the exposure. If the resident has remained asymptomatic and the results of all required COVID-19 tests were negative, precautions can be discontinued on Day 8 after the exposure.
  • If testing was not performed, precautions may be discontinued in an asymptomatic resident on Day 11 after the exposure.