NYMDA COVID-19 Resource Project is a valuable source of information for the latest COVID-19 news and updates in NYS. We provide current information on new developments, safety guidelines, and vaccination efforts, all with the goal of keeping New Yorkers safe and informed. With its commitment to serving the community, the NYMDA COVID-19 Resource Project stands as a reliable resource for individuals seeking accurate and up-to-date information on COVID-19’s impact in the state of New York.
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Antiviral Medications
Sample policies: Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir/ritonavir) and Lagevrio (molnupiravir). Two oral antivirals, Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir with...
Oxygen Therapy
The oral antivirals for COVID-19 are not for use in residents who have a new oxygen requirement for hypoxia or who have a higher oxygen...
Dexamethasone is not recommended for treatment of residents with mild to moderate COVID-19 (patients not on supplemental oxygen for...
Severe COVID-19 is associated with high D-dimer levels which appear to predict mortality. It is unknown whether antithrombotic treatments...
New Resident Case
New Resident Case One case of COVID-19 in a nursing home is considered an outbreak. The goals of outbreak investigation are (1) to...
New Employee/Staff Case
Testing of symptomatic staff should be performed regardless of the outbreak investigation or exposure history. Complete Contact Tracing...
New Visitor Case
Complete Contact Tracing Complete Contact Tracing beginning 48 hours prior to the Onset Date and continuing until the 14 days after the...
New Resident or Staff Case: Unable to Do Contact Tracing (Broad-based Approach)
Contact tracing is less effective in a larger outbreak (more than 3 new resident or staff cases within 7 days) and when adequate numbers...
Unit With An Influenza Outbreak
When 2 cases of laboratory-confirmed influenza are identified within 72 hours of each other in residents in the same unit, outbreak...
Units With Nosocomial Transmission of COVID-19
Units With Nosocomial Transmission of COVID-19 Confirmed or presumed COVID-19 patients should be cared for following "Residents with...
Unit With a New Staff or Resident Case of Confirmed or Presumed COVID-19
1. Identify staff or residents with similar contacts as the new case to investigate potential COVID-19 transmission. Screen the identified...
Exposed Resident: Resident With Exposure to COVID-19 Inside or Outside of the Facility
Exposure: An exposure is defined as being within 6 feet for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period to the...
Resident with Symptoms: Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 or Person Under Investigation (PUI)
Immediately: Keep the door to the room closed, wear a fit-tested N95 respirator, gloves, gown, and eye protection (face shield), and place...